
New Reader? Start Here...

hello there! my name is stephanie. 

in the past, i have been a nanny, artist, singer/musician on a couple tv shows and hundreds of gigs with a band. i have three older sisters who i've always looked up to. 

for the present, i am a boutique owner, fashion enthusiast, and about to go to beauty school.

in the future, i want to visit paris....and do some other things like work for anthropologie, or vogue. ;) to have my own clothing line, or do makeup for a fashion show.

i've shown you my dreams. you can follow my journey on this blog. i started this blog on September fourth, 2010. 

i can be quite sentimental; keeping every letter that i receive from friends and family and storing them in a box. i get that from my Grandma. i love talking to people and hearing their stories. btw, i want to hear yours!

feel free to explore and please say hello... let's be pals!


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