

There's many ways to arrange your jewelry in an organized yet cute way. I've struggled with keeping my chunky ring collection organized! They mostly ended up piled onto my vanity, looking cluttered and in the way. This led to this d.i.y. project that used supplies i already had, and only 15 minutes to complete!

1. Find some pretty paper (scrapbook paper is great, also wallpaper, or wrapping paper). 2. Take egg carton and cut off the top- you'll be using the bottom. 3. Lay the carton on top of paper, fold over edge of carton and mark where there's extra paper 4. Using scissors, cut off that extra strip.

 5. Cover generously with stick glue and let dry (I used clothespins to help hold it together)
6. Next, make some slashes with scissors. (keep in mind how wide your ring bands are.) For pairs of earrings, pierce little holes with a needle.
7. Arrange your rings in any order you wish and place in a drawer or somewhere handy for slipping on your jewelry.

So simple and fun to make! I've been loving mine. ~stephanie

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